Math Placement Exam: ALEKS – PPL

Mathematics Placement at Hardin-Simmons

At HSU we strive to place students in the correct mathematics class for their academic program and skill level.  Placement in courses (not needed for MATH 1301) is accomplished in two ways:

  1. Minimum scores on the mathematics portions of either the ACT or SAT.
  2. Minimum scores on the ALEKS-PPL Mathematics Placement Exam.

The chart below displays programs requiring a minimum of MATH 1305, MATH 1310, or MATH 1420 (Calculus 1).

Questions about specific math courses, prerequisites, and the ALEKS placement exam are to be directed to the Department Head of Mathematics, Dr. Andrew Potter

Program MATH 1305 MATH 1310 MATH 1420
Accounting Y
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Y
Biology Y
Chemistry Y
Chemistry/Pre-Pharmacy Y
Communication Sciences and Disorders Y
Computer Science (BBS) Y
Computer Science (BS) Y
Economics (BBA) Y
Economics (BS) Y
Education – Elementary Y
Education – Middle – General Science Y
Education – Middle – Mathematics Y
Education – Secondary – Life Science Y
Education – Secondary – Mathematics Y
Education – Secondary – Physical Science Y
Education – Secondary – Science Y
Engineering – Mechanical Y
Exercise Science Y
Finance Y
Health Psychology Y
Human Computer Interaction (BBA) Y
Information Systems (BBA) Y
Management (BBA) Y
Marketing (BBA) Y
Mathematics Y
Music – Composition Y
Music – Performance Y
Music – Worship Leadership Y
Nursing – BSN Y
Nursing – RN to BSN Y
Physical Science Y
Pre-Athletic Training -EXSC Track Y
Pre-Dental Y
Pre-Medical Y
Pre-Physical Therapy – Biology Track Y
Pre-Physical Therapy – EXSC Track Y
Pre-Physician Assistant Y
Pre-Veterinary Y
Social Work & Psychology Y
Wildlife Certification Y

In addition to MATH 1310, the BS (Bachelor of Science) degree requires another three hours of mathematics. This is usually MATH 1311 – Trigonometry.  MATH 1310 and MATH 1311 cannot be taken in the same semester.

ACT/SAT Mathematics

Course Minimum ACT Math Score Minimum SAT Math Score
MATH 1305 18 510
MATH 1310 18 510
MATH 1311 20 530
MATH 1420 25 550


The ALEKS-PPL is administered by McGraw-Hill.  The cost to the student is $20 which is paid thru the website (see below).

The student may take the placement exam up to five (5) times, with mandatory study time between attempts.  After the first attempt, the student may access review materials through the website for no extra charge.

ALEKS Scores

Score Course Placement
45 or less MATH 0300 – Intermediate Algebra (if MATH 1305 or MATH 1310 is required)
46-60 MATH 1305 – Finite Mathematics for Business or MATH 1310 – College Algebra
61-75 MATH 1311 – Trigonometry
76  or more MATH 1420 – Calculus 1

If the academic program requires MATH 1301 – Aspects of Modern Mathematics, no placement is required.

How to sign up for the ALEKS-PPL

Go to and create an account.  HSU’s class code is: NYQ6P-LYPKK